Sunday, June 12, 2011

Triangle Torture and the Tonys!

Hola friends!
       Ive been plugging along with the bodice of Hermione's gown. I want to have this thing done by the time Kat and I head off to Hogwarts (side note- this is a literal statement. We're going to Disney/ Universal at the end of the month!!!) and that doesn't leave me much time. When I say "done" I really mean "mostly put together" though so we'll see. :)
       I think I finally have the boob pieces done after many many many attempts. I ended up cheating and adding a seam in the 2nd and 3rd triangles so it wouldn't pucker. I still think I could have draped it correctly if I could have done it on a dress form but oh well. It's done and made up in the actual fabric. I think I may need to take it in a little though and I want to find some nice bra cups to put in since I'm not very well endowed.
       Yet another trip to Sew Low (and Sewfisticated!) yielded the sheer fabrics that will make up the ruffles on the skirt and shoulders. I love love love the darkest one but the lighter one is not exactly what I wanted but I think it will be ok. I know what I have to do for the skirt but I've been rather lazy about starting it. When it comes down to the ruffles I think it will get a little more fussy.
        But tickets for the midnight movie release went on sale yesterday so that's been motivation to get this thing going.
That's all I've got for tonight. So sad the Tonys didn't feature the costume design award on air. Oh well.

Bodice so far and new fabrics!
